The talented Brad Alexander created this short video for A Cause for Endurance to show what it is we are doing and why we are doing it. Take a moment to view the clip and spread the word! Repost for the kids! The more people that know about this incredible upcoming run, the more money we can raise for Choc Children's. So, as usual, get moving! Get involved! Donate to the cause!
Run on over and watch the new video!
To give you guys a bit more information on the upcoming 200-mile course, a family friend, Greg King, and I collaborated to create this video for A Cause for Endurance. Greg was amazing at filming and putting it together and it is finally ready for viewing.
If you wanted to know a bit more about the upcoming adventure for charity, now's your chance!
Make sure to check our events calendar to not miss out on the upcoming fun for CHOC Children's. Also, remember to moving! Get involved! And most importantly, donate to the cause!
- Jesse
Get Involved!
First of all, very glad to have this site up and running. Getting out there and running for a cause could not be more exciting. To know more about what this non-profit organization stands for and what it does, click on over to the main page and browse the about section.
Before we dive into anything, I want you to check out the site, follow the links, say hello on social media (links below!), and get involved!
In the upcoming weeks, we will be posting news, words, and updates, so check back often!
Of course, don't forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and most importantly, take a moment to check out CHOC Children's, and donate to the cause.